Katherine Birkbeck

Katherine Birkbeck
Hi friends, I'm Katherine! I'm a mom of twins - the sassiest little girl and the funniest little boy. They keep my husband Jay and I (15 years and counting) on our toes for sure but sometimes it's our fur baby, beagle and super dog Peter, that is the one causing all the trouble. But only sometimes. I'm also a photographer and I have loved being a small business owner for the last 13 years. Saying that makes me feel old! We have a crazy, busy life with a lot of love and we love calling Knoxville home.

My First Child Has Fur and He’s Still My Baby

Once upon a time, before my husband and I had kids, we took a magical trip to the city of San Francisco with two other couples. And on this magical journey we took a...

I’m Still Scared

When I was pregnant with my twins people often told me how hard it was going to be. Some of them knew what they were talking about and some of them didn’t. Truth is,...

Here I Sit Wishing for Snow

Bring on the cuddles, the excitement of watching it snow and the hot chocolate by the fire. Give me endless days in pajamas and pancake breakfasts and the chance to play all the games...

Christmas Melodies – My Love Letter to Tennessee

“I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music.” – Billy Joel If you...

The Year I Cried on Thanksgiving

“Mommy, Thanksgiving is the day that we get to spend ALL day with all of our family, right?” asked my sweet Oliver James just a few days ago. Our family, like most families, is...

My Favorite Etsy Shops

By a show of hands, is anyone just a little bit on the particular side of things? Yup, me too friends! I think it is probably one of the things my husbands loves most...

Childhood Cancer – Reasons I’m All Too Aware

Exhaustion is frequent. Joy is present every day, even on the days that are full of tears. Tremendous heartache appears often when you watch your child suffer and you can’t take their place, but...