Kailey Ryan
Hi, my name is Kailey. I am a Registered Nurse turned high school Health Science Teacher. I am a proud wife and mom of 1. My sweet Brady (any football fans?) was born in August 2018. I am a Knoxville native and absolutely love the area. Where else can you drive to a beach, major city, or mountains in less than 6 hours? I married my husband in May 2017, we have known each other since he was 16. I love all things true crime, Disney, crafts, and Mexican food .
If we aren't at work you will find us traveling or planning our next trip. We have a passion for traveling and our goal is to visit all 50 states. I do also work as a travel agent. I absolutely love planning vacations for families. I have been a travel agent since 2016. At the end of the day all we have left are memories, I make sure each and every family creates lasting memories. I'm most certainly not an expert on being a mom, but I hope to add some experiences and outlooks being a "millennial mom".This is What Happened When I Quit Apologizing
I was recently in a store looking for a new pair of shoes. As an Enneagram 2, I made sure to position myself so that any passerby could walk between me and the shoes,...
How to Survive the Terrible Twos
If you're looking for amazing ways I help my toddler cope with meltdowns and tantrums, you're going to be disappointed, because below I'm sharing a little satirical advice for any mom with a toddler. I...
How to Support a Small Business Midst a Pandemic
It’s no secret small business owners have struggled over the past year. As a travel agent, I went from a thriving business to completely dry for almost a year. Only within the last three...
A Bad Wife Takes Everyone’s Advice But Her Husband’s
If I took a poll, I feel confident most of us would say we liked, better yet, loved our husband. Then why is it the new norm to bash our husbands on social media?...
Let Them Grieve
I recently assigned my upperclassmen a COVID-19 mental health check. As a health science teacher, I take responsibility for checking on my students emotionally. I asked them to write a mini-essay on three things:...
Favorite Meal & Movie Combos
Covid-19 has kept many families from enjoying their normal family traditions. We have also been encouraged to social distance, leaving most families to enjoy the Christmas holiday at home. My family has started recreating...
8 Secrets to Create a Hallmark-Inspired Christmas Tree
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas and we all want to decorate the most perfect Christmas tree. However, it's easier said than done. Decorating your Christmas tree can be a daunting task...