Kailey Ryan

Kailey Ryan
Hi, my name is Kailey. I am a Registered Nurse turned high school Health Science Teacher. I am a proud wife and mom of 1. My sweet Brady (any football fans?) was born in August 2018. I am a Knoxville native and absolutely love the area. Where else can you drive to a beach, major city, or mountains in less than 6 hours? I married my husband in May 2017, we have known each other since he was 16. I love all things true crime, Disney, crafts, and Mexican food . If we aren't at work you will find us traveling or planning our next trip. We have a passion for traveling and our goal is to visit all 50 states. I do also work as a travel agent. I absolutely love planning vacations for families. I have been a travel agent since 2016. At the end of the day all we have left are memories, I make sure each and every family creates lasting memories. I'm most certainly not an expert on being a mom, but I hope to add some experiences and outlooks being a "millennial mom".

I Am The World’s Most Okay-est Mom

  I am not the best mom. There, I said it for the whole world to see. The truth is we are all one spilled...
This is What Happened When I Quit Apologizing

This is What Happened When I Quit Apologizing

I was recently in a store looking for a new pair of shoes. As an Enneagram 2, I made sure to position myself so...
How to Survive the Terrible Twos

How to Survive the Terrible Twos

If you're looking for amazing ways I help my toddler cope with meltdowns and tantrums, you're going to be disappointed, because below I'm sharing...
How to Support a Small Business Midst a Pandemic

How to Support a Small Business Midst a Pandemic

It’s no secret small business owners have struggled over the past year. As a travel agent, I went from a thriving business to completely...
A Bad Wife Takes Everyone's Advice But Her Husband's

A Bad Wife Takes Everyone’s Advice But Her Husband’s

If I took a poll, I feel confident most of us would say we liked, better yet, loved our husband. Then why is it...

Let Them Grieve

I recently assigned my upperclassmen a COVID-19 mental health check. As a health science teacher, I take responsibility for checking on my students emotionally....

Favorite Meal & Movie Combos

Covid-19 has kept many families from enjoying their normal family traditions. We have also been encouraged to social distance, leaving most families to enjoy...