Julia Corder

Julia Corder
Hi there! I'm Julia, mom to one year old Will and wife to Zach. I'm a graduate of and advisor at Lincoln Memorial University in Knoxville, and I love my job even if it does get a little crazy sometimes working full time and being a mom! I love Jesus, coffee, reading, going to the beach, and adventuring.
Funny Things Our Kids Say

Funny Things Our Kids Say

We all have them: amusing, hilarious, laugh-out-loud funny things our kids have said. Sometimes they even border on awkward or inappropriate, which may even make them funnier (you know, a couple years later when...
Getting Ready to Move With a Toddler

Getting Ready to Move With a Toddler

Is anyone else trying to move right now? It is insane how quickly the East Tennessee market is moving and how few houses there are for sale. When my husband and I bought our...
How to Choose Your Childcare

How to Choose Your Childcare

We live in a time in which many families have both parents or a single parent working, whether by choice or because finances require them to. Plenty of stay-at-home moms send their kids to...
Making Valentine's Day Fun, At Home!

Making Valentine’s Day Fun, At Home!

Many of us will probably be spending Valentine's Day at home this year, for various reasons. Whether you are trying to avoid the public, forgot to make a reservation, or can't get a babysitter,...
Five Steps Toward Financial Fitness

Five Steps Toward Financial Fitness

It’s the time of year when everyone loves a fresh start. Some people are resolving to get physically fit. On New Year’s Eve a few years ago, I resolved I would become financially fit....
2020: Take Your Happiness Where You Can Get It!

2020: Take Your Happiness Where You Can Get It!

I’m usually one of those people. You know, the ones who are sticklers for not putting the Christmas tree up until the day after Thanksgiving and if I hear Christmas music prior to Turkey...
I Can't Make This Up: I Quit Wearing Makeup

I Can’t Make This Up: I Quit Wearing Makeup

Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “I just need to put on some mascara before I go to the store”? I sure have. But what if we didn’t? Well, let me tell you something:...