Jenny Greene

I am a missionary-turned-mom from Kansas who loves to write, create, and enjoy life with my husband, Casey, my daughter Penelope, and our wild little boy, Eldon. After spending six years overseas, we returned to East Tennessee to find an overwhelming modern world- especially for moms! So in the search for a simpler life, I often look to previous generations for wisdom and guidance in everything from homemaking, to marriage, to child-rearing! Looking back helps me look forward and know that in this crazy mom-life, I'm never alone... and neither are you!Parenting a Fearless Child
I would never consider myself a fearful person. I blame my Faith and my father for most of that, and over the years I have been...
The Day I Let a Strange Man Look at My Body
I went in there for a reason. I needed affirmation. To be known. To be touched by someone who knew what I needed. And in...
Over the River and Through the Woods…
...and two hotels, fifteen rest stops, and a hundred dollars in gas station snacks later. My family is from Kansas. But if you've looked around lately,...
Easy “Vitamin” Cookies {Recipe}
My girl is about to turn 4. And can I tell you, she's come a long way, baby! She runs at full sprint, she...
How Going Back to Work Saved My Sanity {Even If It Didn’t Clean My...
I come from a long line of stay-at-home moms.
My mom stayed home with my brother and I until we both were in school full-time....
It's a familiar situation: the baby shares his first big smile. The toddler comes downstairs dressed... All by herself. That sweet boy brings you...
What Really Matters (Why I’m so glad New Year’s Day is Just Another Day)
I woke up yesterday morning to a New Year. All the clichés sang out their tunes... a clean slate, a second chance, a do-over,...