
Family is everything, and I can think of no better town to live in with my high school sweetheart and our four young children. Although we've been here for a few years now, we often find that it still feels like vacation. Embracing the natural beauty and slower pace were easy. Learning to love Orange wasn't too hard. However, my mid-western roots shine through in my inability to accessorize my daughters with giant hair bows and my preference for unsweetened tea. Being a mother is more incredible than I ever dreamed, and even though our days are utter chaos riddled with exhaustion, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I Get Bi(ceps) with a Little Help from My Friends

As pool parties are amping up, so too are people's body insecurities. I haven't seen one pool invite without someone commenting on how no...

Body Envy at the Beach

I just can’t stop looking her way. I don’t mean to stare, but I can’t help it. Of every bikini-clad woman that has walked...

Mom Down: How to Offer and Accept Help in Times of Need

 “Let me know if there is anything I can do.”  “I’m here if you need me.” “Praying for you.”  “I’m so sorry.” “Oh, I had no idea.” These well-intentioned...

The Year of No

I keep reading about YES days, YES years, saying YES and seeing what happens. But you know what? I’m tired of saying yes. I...

What Happened When I Put My Phone Down

Late to the smart phone game, I didn’t have one when my first son was born eight years ago. He got my undivided attention....

C’mon Mama, FIT It In

It's the busiest time of year. We all have a million things going on. Between October 28 and January 1st, my family celebrates at least...

Mamas Need Rewards Too

Oh, mom guilt. You pop up everywhere. No matter what we do, you find a way to make us feel like we are failing...