Ashley Baker

Ashley Baker
Hey, I’m Ashley. I’m a wife to Matt, and mom to my precious kiddos, Evelyn (born 2013) and Theodore (born 2016). I’m a Tennessee native and Southern girl through and through. I’m pretty sure sweet tea and gravy run through my veins, and I’m on a mission to perfect my biscuit recipe. I love books, iced coffee, sharpies, and pretending I don’t see the ever growing laundry pile. My family is huge St. Louis Cardinals fans and we love playing team trivia. You can catch more of my adventures in taming the circus of motherhood over at 3 Mom Circus.
Homesick for Myself

Homesick for Myself

Let me be real for a hot minute: I am not myself. Since the birth of my son, almost 18 months ago, I haven't been ME. I know it's common after you push a...

The (Facebook) Friends We Keep

Do you know all your friends on Facebook? What does your friend list say about you, even digitally? Recently, I had to ask myself some hard questions about the company I keep digitally, and those...

Don’t Call It a Cookie: Why Correct Terminology Matters

If you are a female and are reading this article, we have something in common. We may look different, sound different, and have different backgrounds, but we are the same in at least one...

5 Tips to Manage Holiday Anxiety

The holiday season is a wonderful time of the year. Family, friends, good food, traveling, presents, parties, and the list goes on. Sometimes, however, the very things that make the holiday season special can...

The Year I Broke Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Some years, I think Thanksgiving beats Christmas, but it's always a close call. Let's face it; T-Day has all my favorite pastimes in one single day. Family. Food. Football....

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins

A few days ago I woke up way too early to let my dog outside and felt something glorious: a CHILL in the air. It FINALLY feels like a true fall here in Tennessee...
A Beginner's Guide to Knoxville's International Grocery Stores

A Beginner’s Guide to Knoxville’s International Grocery Stores

We all know what to expect from traditional grocery stores. We know we can find our go-to favorites and if we happen on the international aisle, we have a few options to choose from...