2025: The Year Of Intention


2025: The Year Of IntentionHappy 2025! How did it get here so quickly? I think the same thing every year, but it’s really something that blows my mind more and more every year. 2024 seemed to go by in the blink of an eye. When I stopped to think about everything that I was able to achieve last year and all the things I want to make happen in the new year, there was one word that kept coming to mind. My 2025 word of the year is “intention.” I want to make sure that I’m intentional in everything I’m doing in all aspects of my life. I want to look back on 2025 and see all the amazing things I knew I could do come to fruition. 

In 2025, I want to be more intentional with how I’m spending my time.

This is something I try to do all the time and I’ll tell you right now that I continuously fall short. I get caught up in the mindless scrolling on my phone or the newest show on Netflix, and I completely forget all of the other things I could be doing. I want to be more intentional with spending time with my family and paying attention to my kids when they want to show me something, even if it’s the dance moves I know they’ve shown me twenty times before. I work from home and it feels like when I’m not working, I’m taking care of my kids (sometimes doing both at the same time) and there is no “break.” This feels exhausting some days and I want to make sure that even on those days I’m putting my phone away and spending time with them. I know they’re not going to want me around all the time forever. I need to make sure I’m soaking up all the moments with them that I can and be more intentional about how I’m spending my time with them. 

I’m also going to be more intentional with how I’m treating my body and taking care of myself.

Since having my last son, I’ve really struggled with taking the time to go to the gym and being mindful of what I’m putting into my body. I am so much happier when I am active and eating the right things, and I know it sounds cliché, but I truly want to get back on track in 2025. For me, going to the gym is so much more for my mental health than it is my physical health, but I also love seeing my body change in a positive way. Even if I don’t see the scale go down one pound, being intentional about moving my body and eating better will have so many positive effects on my health in the new year.

Lastly, I’m going to be more intentional about how I’m spending my money.

Like most people, my husband and I have made some good decisions regarding our money this year, but we’ve also made some poor decisions that make me look back and cringe. We found an amazing budgeting app called Monarch that we both love and allows us to see in real time what’s going on with all our accounts and investments, which is definitely a good start going into this new year. I’m also going to try and curb my overspending by participating in some no-buy months in 2025 to try to get my relationship with wanting new “stuff” under control. The goals we have for our future are so much more important than seeing something new and being influenced to buy it right then. I’m a sucker for a good marketing campaign, so I have to be intentional about where I’m spending my money for our long-term goals to be fulfilled.    

I know that a lot of people hate resolutions or don’t really believe people will stick to them. We’ve all heard “new year, new me” a million times before. I get it. I know it’s so easy to fall victim to saying you want these things, but hitting a roadblock a couple months in and then just throwing your hands up and quitting. I know the things I want to achieve are not going to be easy and if I know myself, I’m going to stumble along the way. But, I’m a firm believer that you can manifest and speak into existence the things you want out of life and that we always have the choice to keep going and stay the course.

I can’t wait for this new year and what it’s going to bring. For me, 2025 is the year of intention and it’s going to be a great one! 



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