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Welcome to a world of flavors right here in Knoxville! If you are looking for a taste of the globe without leaving town, you've come to the right place. Knoxville is home to a variety of international restaurants that...
“Just wait” are two words I’ve heard too often in my motherhood journey in a negative light. Think you’re tired pregnant? Just wait ‘til they’re born! Think you are overwhelmed now? Just wait ‘til they crawl! Think you can’t keep up now?...
May is National BBQ Month so you know what that means... Calhoun's for dinner! Calhoun’s has been a longtime local favorite for families serving comforting flavors for over 40 years and they have 9 convenient locations serving Knoxville, Oak Ridge,...
The hate around Taylor Swift recently has reached an all-time high, but why? She's dated a lot of men? Her lyrics are devil worshiping? She's a democrat? Why is her life put under a microscope? What has she done...
It's hard to believe that summer break is just around the corner. As you're making plans, don't forget about VBS! Each year, local church ministries pour their hearts into creating awesome Vacation Bible School experiences for children. Unique themes,...
OMG. I h8 that title, even though I chose it. I was recently made fun of by my preteen for using <gasp> punctuation. She was being nosy, as this age group tends to be, and was leaning over my phone...