
I am a Knoxville transplant from northern grounds, but I can't imagine being anywhere else. My blue blood has strangely become orange and I get chills when I hear Rocky Top. I became all things mom in 2013 and it's crazy to think how much life has changed. I love temper tantrums, watching Toy Story over and over, and making food that doesn't get eaten. Welcome to the Toddler Years. When I'm not doing that, you can find me running, reading, shopping, or taking pictures {check out Adara Photography!}Being Pregnant Terrifies Me
For two years I waited for the word "Pregnant" to flash on the test screen. For two years, all I saw was "Not Pregnant."...
Living Your Dream
When I was 18, I decided to go to college out of state and without anyone I knew. It was terrifying, yet exhilarating. Blazing...
Park Etiquette: Ways to Ruin it for Everyone
True life y'all: Last week at the park, a toddler threw sand in my face. No, it wasn't my toddler. Yes, the toddler's mother...
Consignment Sale vs. Clearance Sale
Christmas has come and gone, snow storm Jonas made its way through, and we all have high hopes for an early spring. This can...
Stranger Danger: When Will It End?
Just the other day, I was walking out of Kroger with my two year old and struggling to hold her and carry my groceries....
Last Minute New Year’s Eve Celebration Ideas
If you woke up this morning only to realize today is the LAST DAY of 2015, no worries momma! I have put together some...
Parenting Tips I Learned from Inside Out
Have you seen Disney’s Inside Out? If not, stop reading and go buy it. Don’t waste your money renting it. It’s that good.
Inside Out...