Sarah Curtis
Things You Should NEVER Say to a Pregnant Woman
First of all, every single one of these phrases/questions was said to me at some point during my pregnancy. Many of them were said...
Memorial Day Recipes
Typically when we think of Memorial Day, the menu includes grilled burgers, potato salad, baked beans, etc. This year, I decided I wanted to...
The 2015 Guide to Knoxville’s Vacation Bible Schools
When I was a kid, I looked forward to Vacation Bible School every summer. My friends and I all attended VBS at each of...
Etiquette for Kids
I have to admit, issues surrounding etiquette can put me on quite the soapbox. I suppose being raised by a Home Economics major {my...
The Joy Thief
Transitioning into a new season of life is never easy. We become comfortable and accustomed to a certain lifestyle. When you jump headfirst into...
Celebrating Motherhood
March is Women's History Month. Don't worry - I am not going to bore you with a history lesson. I feel like Women's History...
7 Tips for Having “The Talk” with Your Kids
Many parents avoid "the talk" because they are uncomfortable, or they don't really know how to bring the subject up. Some think that saying...