Sarah Curtis
A Love Letter to The Pioneer Woman
Since it is Wednesday, I thought a #WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday) post would be fitting. My #WCW is Ree Drummond, also known as the Pioneer Woman. Because of this woman, I have fallen in...
Listening to your Gut
When trying to think of a title for this post, my first thought was "Mom Gut." However, I realized that title gave the idea that I was going to be writing about that squishy,...
The 2016 Guide to Knoxville’s Vacation Bible Schools
It looks like this summer will be filled with some awesome local Vacation Bible Schools! All of the themes seem very interesting, educational, and fun. There are varying times from which to choose-- early...
Reflections of a First-Time Mom: Lessons Learned
I can't believe that I have been a mom for almost two years. Over the past two years, I have made mistakes, had successes, felt like a great mom, felt like a terrible mom,...
Surviving the Toy-nado: Tips to Declutter After the Holidays
Everyone warned me about the overabundance of toys that would appear. This Christmas was technically my son's second Christmas but it was the first one where he really became excited about presents. I think...
The Biting Stage: Advice from the Biter’s Mom
My son was one of the earliest biters in the daycare. The biting started before he turned one. Most of the time, it was a teething issue -- biting and chewing felt good on...
Dear Preschool Teachers
As working moms, our children spend most of their waking hours at preschool, daycare, or school. We entrust their teachers with a piece of ourselves. It is often a thankless job, and I certainly...