Rachel Lowe

Rachel is wife to Daniel and mom to two boys. You can find her with a cup of coffee in hand and a book waiting for her to read. Her "to be read" pile is enormous, and she loves to find great deals at McKay's Used Books. She enjoys window shopping, going to open houses, and spending time on free or cheap adventures with her family. She's always on the lookout for the next free donut day or opportunity to get another book in whatever series she's currently reading!Southern Style Dairy-Free Living Made Easy
When my son was still in the newborn stage, we experienced a number of problems with low and slow weight gain and even weight...
Why I’m More Afraid of Postpartum Constipation than Delivery
Okay, y’all. It’s time to strap in because today I want to talk to you about something we all know about, but few of...
I Feel Like I’m Pregnant for the Very First Time
I’m currently pregnant with my second child and due in September, but it feels so much like I’m pregnant for the very first time...
Surviving a Summer Pregnancy with a Toddler
I am in the third trimester of my second pregnancy now, and I’m coming to the conclusion that having a baby due right after...
Things You Don’t Know About Traveling with a Toddler Until You Have One
As a single woman or a young wife, travel excited me. I traveled around the country and outside our borders on different occasions. Travel...
How I Survived My First Pediatrician Visit as a New Mom
Almost two years ago my son was born. As I think about how much has changed since he was born, I’m reminded of what...
How to Prepare Your Dog for a New Baby
When I was pregnant with my son, one of my big fears was how my dog would respond to a newborn and the newest...