

30 Days of Self-Care

"Close your eyes and imagine the best version of you possible. That's who you really are. Let go of any part that doesn't believe...

Make Mistakes: Mistaken Behavior Over Misbehavior

My parenting style is pretty chill and I can roll with most things. Typically with my kid, I do not have to yell. In...

Make It Gross Mom!

Fall is in the air. I can feel it creeping in the late afternoon. I see it prowling across the yard through the early...


There are the “terrible twos” (aka the tantrum phase of the two-year-old). There is also the “Threenager,” a play on preschoolers having the stubborn...

Middle Age Mamma Musings

I am a middle age mamma. Had I started having kids at the age my childhood peers started their families (17—20 years old), I'd...

Self-Made Summer Camp

This year we cannot afford summer camp. We really want to send our son to reading camp, space camp, art camp, etc. Finances are...

The Joke’s On You!

My son is four now and we have A LOT of laughs. His sense of humor has blossomed and I cannot get enough of...