Lindsay Brazier

Lindsay Brazier

She Didn’t Have to Be

My five and a half year old daughter has a lot of interests. My husband and I do our best to let her try them...

Your Voice Matters: Why Moms Should Vote in 2018 Elections

I’m talking to you. Yes, you…the mom who’s part Wonder Woman, part permanently exhausted pigeon. You may have a full time job outside the...

Celebrating the SAHM, from the Working Mom

As a mom who works outside the home, I seriously admire moms who stay home with their children. After my 12-week maternity leave was over,...

Learning to Make Snow Days Mean Slow Days

January held its fair share of snowy days for those of us in the valley. Our daughter is still in preschool, so we’re usually...

Why I Don’t Believe in “New Year, New You”

With the beginning of a new year, comes advice from everyone about ways to improve yourself, your home, the lives of your children, and the...

Tried & True: My Favorite Fall Recipes

I’m not a cook by nature, but I have picked up a couple of recipes along the way that are my go-to when it...

The Day I Quit

While our daughter is still in preschool, my husband and I use the school schedule to our advantage and go on our summer vacation...