The KM Team

The KM Team
Knoxville Moms is the go-to local parenting resource for families in Knoxville and East Tennessee area since 2013. We strive to connect local families by sharing personal experiences, local guides, events, and travel. Celebrating 11 years of serving Knoxville families this fall!
TheMakings of a Good Mother

The Makings of a Good Mother

To the mom reading this: Please know that you are doing a great job! There's no need to glance over your shoulder to see who I could possibly be talking about. Look right back this way...

Outnumbered and Overwhelmed

How many kids do you have?  I have 3 - I'm completely outnumbered, in fact, even when I'm with my husband, we are still outnumbered. And honestly, sometimes this completely overwhelms me. When we decided to...

Finding Your Motivation

First, I want to start with a little background of my journey. In 2010, I was at my heaviest weight. I was planning my wedding and my beautiful dress that I had bought would...

7 Ways We Are Trying to Raise Our Children “Money-Wise”

As a financial educator and counselor, one of my biggest pet peeves is the way our young adults have no clue of financial matters. I really feel that we as a society are failing...
Three's a Crowd?

Three’s a Crowd?

We're wheeling through the store. My two boys are riding in the shopping cart, and my daughter is by my side chatting away and helping to put things in the buggy. My youngest one cries briefly for...

When Should Your Child See An Orthodontist?

As an orthodontist, I am often asked by other mothers questions like, “Does my son/daughter need braces?” and “When should my child see an orthodontist?” While the answers to these questions vary from child...

Choosing Forgiveness

Forgive and forget. That is the mantra we are taught from a young age. Forgiveness is pounded into our brains and yet many of us are never properly taught how to forgive. We recite...