Kristina Ferrell
Oh, How Things Change!
When I first found out I was pregnant, I was convinced that I had it all figured out. I kept talking to other people...
The Stamp of a Child
Stretch marks, scars and sleepless nights
Night time feedings and Mickey night lights
Constant worry, time quickly passing
The stamp of a child is everlasting
Mismatched shoes and...
My Mother’s Daughter
While I was growing up, my mom's famous words after every disagreement we had were "just wait until you have a child of your...
Why I Stopped Hating My Husband
I spent over 20 years dreaming up the perfect husband, compiled of characteristics from Disney movies and romance novels, he would have it all....
The Children Are Our Future
The other day I was able to pick my son up early from daycare, after getting him strapped in I jumped in the car...
The Ten Commandments of Motherhood
Since my son was born, my world seems to have been flipped upside down. I spend most days treading water, trying to keep from...