Julia Corder
Hi there! I'm Julia, mom to one year old Will and wife to Zach. I'm a graduate of and advisor at Lincoln Memorial University in Knoxville, and I love my job even if it does get a little crazy sometimes working full time and being a mom! I love Jesus, coffee, reading, going to the beach, and adventuring.Becoming a Mom vs. Becoming an Aunt
Almost two years ago, I became a mom. And almost two weeks ago, I became an aunt. Both beautiful occurrences that have filled my heart to overflowing. It's been interesting to reflect on things...
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
So many things can bring a memory to mind: a scent, a song, a taste. And one time of year -- the most wonderful time of year -- brings back more memories than most:...
Time Saving (And Local!) Tips For The Working Mom
(Disclaimer: Stay at home moms, work from home moms, and even dads are also welcome to utilize these hot tips!) Some moms seem to have it all together. They work full time, make home cooked...
How to Take Advice: From the Diary of a Stubborn First-Time Mom
As moms, we get a lot of advice. Friends, family, other parents, complete strangers, people who haven't had kids -- everyone has advice for a first-time mom. It's like being pregnant and then having...
Beauty in the Box
I've never considered myself to be a makeup and beauty product "expert." Some of my friends can spend forever in a makeup store, talking about which products they've used and what works best. I...
Father’s Day Gift Guide :: Knoxville Edition
Are you tired of getting Dad the same old ties, grilling aprons, and “Best dad ever” t-shirts? Maybe it’s time to shop local and get him something he’ll brag about to all his dad...