Beth Wilkin-Waldmann

Beth Wilkin-Waldmann
I’m a former TV news producer turned stay-at-home mom to my daughter Madeline and son Bennett. While I may stay at home, Madeline, Bennett and I are always on the go exploring Knoxville and making new friends. I'm a coffee addict, book lover, fashion-phile, occasional cook and bargain hunter. My guilty pleasures include Pinterest and bad reality TV. I believe a sense of humor is an essential survival skill. And--lucky me--my funny husband Andy always keeps me laughing. Follow me on Knoxville Moms as I chronicle this challenging and rewarding adventure we call motherhood!

Raising a Mama’s Boy

His pudgy fingers wrap themselves around my strands of hair, hold on tightly and pull. It’s nearly impossible to pry those surprisingly strong little fingers off. It’s also nearly impossible to pry Bennett away...

For a Mom with Kids

The note written in scribbled Sharpie said “For a Mom with Kids.” I stared in surprise at the card the barista handed over to me -- a sweet soul had downed ten coffee drinks...

Tangle of Emotions

The instant my husband and I found out our first child would be a daughter, I began imagining what she would look like and be like. It was a given that her middle name...
Why All Moms Should Be Voxing

Why All Moms Should be Voxing

Vox, voxing, Voxer. It’s a noun. It’s a verb. It’s the app busy moms didn’t know they needed. Voxer was originally designed for workers who need to communicate but who are physically spread out....

The Sweet Spot of Babyhood

Chubby thighs. Gummy smiles. Gurgles and giggles. Pudgy fingers pulling my hair. If there is one sweet spot of babyhood where things really start to gel, six months old is it. Those tiny personalities...

On the Outskirts of Town: Exploring the Fun in Lenoir City

Lenoir City (or as the cool kids say, “The LC”) is starting to live up to its “city” name. Once a sleepy little town, Lenoir City is now booming with new homes and businesses...
I'm Not Speaking to My Fitbit

I’m Not Speaking to My Fitbit

There was name-calling. Yelling. Tears. To say my relationship with my Fitbit started off on the wrong foot is putting it mildly. Chances are many of you are wearing a Fitbit (or some other fitness...