Audrey M.
Hey Ya'll! I’m Audrey, a middle of nowhere, East Tennessee transplant. My husband (and forever crush) Andy and I were born and raised in Ohio State Buckeye territory, where we met in junior high school and married halfway through college. We have 2 tweens here on Earth: Lucas-the sweetest jokester boy you will ever meet, and Alaina-a charismatic and responsible redhead. We were hoping for a bigger family, but it wasn’t in the cards for us. For years we vacationed here in and around Knoxville, and so when the opportunity came to move here, we took it! Prior to moving here, I was first and foremost a Wife and Mother, but filled my days at a special needs preschool, title company, and as a FT volunteer-a-holic. In my spare time, I love diy, crafting, reading and writing.
And I will always be a barefoot farm girl at heart. We raise/grow our own food- and I occasionally even make dinner out of our homegrown goodness- but I hate cooking!
I can’t wait to immerse myself in this sweet, southern community!Mom’s Senior Year To-Do List for College-Bound Kids
If I’m honest, it still frustrates me to this day that all the older, experienced parents were right when they constantly told me (a frazzled toddler and baby mom who was getting 12 hours...
Homesteading For Beginners
It seems that since the pandemic, when everyone was forced home for weeks on end with nowhere to be, the things our grandparents used to do for survival have become the new fad hobbies....
Graduation Speech By Mom
I recently had to help my son write a speech for graduation. And aside from being so incredibly proud of him (to his constant embarrassment) and occasionally tearing up because my baby grew up...
Never Done List For Moms (It’s Not What You Think!)
Never Done List for a mom. I know that sounds like laundry or dishes, right? Ha's actually something really great! Years ago, I read about a character in a book that had a...
Dill Pickle Soup {Recipe}
I have been obsessed with dill pickles from birth. I was always the weird kid loading my plate with pickles out of the hamburger chip jar at barbecues. To this day, as a vegetarian...
Diet Tips From Food Pros: Teenagers
Being the mom of two teenagers, I feel like I was adequately prepared for some parts of this stage and there are others that no one warned me about! When anyone says “teenager,” what...
Tips For Surviving Knee/Ankle/Foot Surgery (A.K.A. Time Off Your Feet!)
As a mom, running around like crazy and keeping our family’s life going smoothly is just part of the job. We routinely do carpool, throw some laundry in while making dinner, and run that...